Sunday, April 21, 2013

Good nutrition for immunity


Nutrition is the science of food that works in the body.Food play a major role in growth and developement.The main functions of food are energy giving,body building and protective functions.A well balanced diet gives all the nutrients for the various functions and it is essential throughout the day,since water-soluble vitamins like vitamin-c and b-complex vitamins lost through urine and sweat and need daily.Our country is developing day by day but micronutrient deficiencies due to false dietary pattern is very high which is one of the major cause of infections or lack of immunity.A well balanced diet having the proper proportions of macro nutrients like carbohydrates ,protein and fat as well as micro nutrients like vitamins ,minerals ,water and fiber must be included accordingly.The main nutrients that play key role in improving the immunity or preventing infections are:
1.Vitamin A-It is a powerful antioxidant especially carotenoids in orange yellow vegetables and fruits,lycopene that is present in tomatoes are found to prevent infections including cancer.Foods that contain vitamin A are green leafy veg,liver,cheese,milk,sweet potato,mango,papaya etc
2.Vitamin C-It is considered as anti-infective vitamin,which is also an antioxidant,that helps to prevent infections and reduces stress.Main sources are citrus fruits,green mango,leafy vegetables,sprouts,amla etc
3.B-vitamins like vitamin B6,B12,folic acid-which is essential for WBC formation and multiplication .Sources are leafy vegetables,baker's yeast,liver,beans,peas,fruits and other vegetables.
4.Vitamin E-It is also a powerful antioxidant which is also called sex vitamin,as it  is essential for child bearing and it can also protect the body from cancer and Alzheimers.The main sources are wheat germ,molasses,whole grain,nuts,vegetable oils etc
5.Iron-It is very essential for growth and immunity and in India 50% of women and 70% of children under 5 is suffering from iron deficiency anaemia.The deficiency may paralise the immunity and it affect the overall performance.Sources include liver,meat,mussels, green leafy vegetables,dry fruits etc.
6.Zinc-It helps to prevent cold and protect  primary barriers from infections and also essential for various functions including brain developement.Sources are fishes,shell fish,poultry,whole grain etc
7.Essential fatty acids like omega 3,omega 6 are also essential ,which is present in fishes like sardines,flax seed,other vegetable oils
.Trace elements like chromium,copper,selenium,magnesium are also helpful.
So plan a proper balanced diet according to your health status which provide the recommended dietary allowance(RDA) that include whole grains,legumes,fruits ,vegetables especially green and yellow colored,milk and milk products(low fat),lean meat,fish etc.The vegetarians must include enough milk, pulses and sprouts daily inorder to get adequate protein.Our traditional meals with curd or butter milk is ideal as it is a pro-biotic which helps to prevent diseases,improve the skin texture,prevent aging and stomach related problems.

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