Wheat grass is nothing but the germinated wheat,which can be cultivated easily with or without soil,better after sprouting.It is a magic grass with lots of vitamins and minerals especially proteins,vitamin K, fiber,vitaminA, vitamin C,vitaminE,vitaminK,B1,B2,B3,B6,iron,,copper,zinc,magnesium,selenium,pantothenic acid etc.Here in India about 75%children,51% women and 81% pregnant women are anaemic.So wheat grass can be recommended and it is the cheapest source of nutrients . For a normal and healthy maintenance 1-4 ounce daily and for therapeutic purposes 4-8 ounce can be used.It ia a good source of antioxidants thus helps in antiageing,reduce cancer risks,liver detoxifieng etc.The main functions of wheat grass is its alkaline propertity which restores alkalanity of blood,increase RBC.It contain about 70% chlorophyll and studies proved that 4-5 days administration of chlorophyll helps to reverse RBC count to normal.It also stimulates digestion and metabolism,improve the growth of friendly bacterias in stomach which may be lost during antibiotic overuse .Recent studies point out that it helps in reducing risk of peptic ulcer,colon cancer,ulcerative colitis,constipation .It fights tumours and neutralise toxins,and protect from pollutions and carcinogens.It is a good disinfectant and effective in treating skin problems like itching,wounds,blemishes,acne,eczema and psoriasis .The vitamin C properties helps to tighten the gums,reduce bleeding and act as a good mouth freshner..the anti-oxidant property helps in reducing the age and improve the skin vitality and overall health.Wheatgrass helps to reduce the effects of radiation too.It restrores fertility and promote growth.Another effect is improving the blood glucose level.It removes the heavy metals from the body and lots more. Try 3-4 ounces of wheat grass juice early morning and for overall health and vitality..After all prevention is better than cure,economical.
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