Proteins are considered as the building blocks of our body.It came from greek word 'proteos' which means 'to stand at the first place'One gram of protein gives 4kilocalories.It is essential for the growth and repair of every cell from tip to toes.
According to Lakshmanan(2009) India is a protein -starved country.The per capita intake of protein is below 10 grams a day as against a recommended intake of 50 grams.Protein is very essential during the phase of growth,especially in the first 18 months.Human beings at birth have only 70% of their brain developed.If we are not giving enough protein in the initial period,it results in irreversable changes in the brain,which we cannot correct in the later years. .Studies shows that multiplication of cells in the body and brain continues till the age of seven or eight.If special attention is not given to the developement of the body and brain during this formative stage,the child will not blossom out to its full genetic potential and its performance will be substandard during adult life.The single majour factor involved in this process is nutrition.unfortunatelly ,the awareness and means to provide proper quality nutrition for qrowing children are lacking among the masses.
In the case of adults, micronutrient deficiencies are most prevalent among low income group as well as high income group.The majour micronutrient deficiencies in India are vitamin A deficiency,Zinc deficiency ,iodine deficiency B-vitamin deficiencies like ariboflavinosis,beriberi, pellagra and iron and folic acid deficiencies.In south india,even if we have a good educational background,there are many food fads and fallacies,like hot food and cold food.We are following it from generation to generation and it is another cause of nutritional defeciencies,especially among children and women.The concept of giving food to male members of the family first is another issue which results in nutritional deficiencies among women,who actually need more.So we have to remove all such blocks and our mind and body should grow.
According to Lakshmanan(2009) India is a protein -starved country.The per capita intake of protein is below 10 grams a day as against a recommended intake of 50 grams.Protein is very essential during the phase of growth,especially in the first 18 months.Human beings at birth have only 70% of their brain developed.If we are not giving enough protein in the initial period,it results in irreversable changes in the brain,which we cannot correct in the later years. .Studies shows that multiplication of cells in the body and brain continues till the age of seven or eight.If special attention is not given to the developement of the body and brain during this formative stage,the child will not blossom out to its full genetic potential and its performance will be substandard during adult life.The single majour factor involved in this process is nutrition.unfortunatelly ,the awareness and means to provide proper quality nutrition for qrowing children are lacking among the masses.
In the case of adults, micronutrient deficiencies are most prevalent among low income group as well as high income group.The majour micronutrient deficiencies in India are vitamin A deficiency,Zinc deficiency ,iodine deficiency B-vitamin deficiencies like ariboflavinosis,beriberi,
"Eat Healthy
Feel Better
Live long"
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