Monday, October 31, 2011

Diabetes and Diet

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease,that has affected people throughout the world.Diabetes Mellitus means "honey like urine" It is the majour cause of premature illness and death worldwide.According to World Diabetic Foundation , about 285 million people are living with diabetes and it will increase upto 438 million by 2030.Eighty percentage of type-2 diabetes can be preventable by changing diet and increasing physical activity.WHO predicted the net loss in national income of ID336.6 billion in India between 2005 and 2011.
                                         Food and  Nutrition play an important role in prevention and management of diabetes.The diet prescription may vary according to patients and their activity.In the early stages of diabetes ,diet alone can help to manage insulin level.Proteins and fiber play a great role.In general the dietary management includes-maintaining the ideal body weight,improving the overall health of patient,to maintain the plasma glucose level near normal,preventing the delay of chronic complications of diabetes and to make the diet prescription attractive and realistic as possible with the help of food exchange list.About 50-55% of carbohydrates ,12-15% of proteins,20-25% of fat can be included.Small meals at regular intervals,is recommended,since it helps to improve and maintain the blood glucose level.It also help to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia.Fiber helps to delay the digestion of food ,thus helps in maintaining the blood glucose level and soluble fiber is recommended.Oats and fenugreek contain soluble fibers and studies conducted by College of Agriculture,Vellayani proved that fenugreek helps a lot in maintaining the bloog glucose level.Any one fruit like robusta,apple,guava or mussambi can be included.Guar-gum,the fiber present in beans is also good.A good amount of vegetables,especially green leafy vegetables must be included.

                                     According to my view,there should not be over restriction of food or it may leads to eating more sweets by the patients, like 'what we resist will persists'.Its better to take a milk based sweet with honey ,but select only with the help of an experienced Nutritionist.Even if we know everything about the importance of diet,it is sad that nobody is giving importance to diet and more awareness must be needed to improve the health status .

Friday, September 2, 2011

Role of Quail egg in human nutrition.

 The magic effect of quail egg in curing diseases is  mentioned in Ayurveda,Bible and Quran.Early Egyptians and Chinese Civilisations used it to treat asthma and sexual impotence.It is beneficial for more than 30 diseases,but enough studies are not there to support.One of my student of St.Teresa's College, started her study on the topic ,"the effect of quail egg in curing T.B".The motivative factor behind this study is my father,Dr Sasidharan,(Retd Asst Director ,Animal Husbandary) who is a Poultary Scientist ,running a hatchery (Vellunthara Hatcheries) at Kollam.In 1991,he developed a new breed "Albino Quail"(vellunthara quail) by selective breeding.The speciality is the white colour and red eyes ,like a love bird.At the same time we get the eggs also where as the normal Japanese quail is not very attractive.

Quail egg is considered as a 'dietetic egg',since it contain more of HDL,the good cholestrol,6 times more B1,15 times more B2,contain a good amount of complete proteins and iron.The chicken egg is 5times larger than quail egg,but it contain 5times more phosphorous,7.5 times more iron,and a good amount of vitaminA,E nad B-complex and micronutrients like pottassium and phosphorous(anti allergic factor).


Like any other medicine,the effect observed after 3 months of administration.In children about 100 eggs;3eggs per day or adults can take about 120 eggs,3 eggs per day.According to Fazil Orhan  and his team (2002)

The beneficial effects of quail eggs have been proven
In children :
- growth stimulation and improved metabolism (100egg)
- reactivate the nerves and central nervous system (120egg)
The consumption of quail eggs is recommended for children (cooked or raw) for their physical and mental balance. It improves the IQ (intelligent quotient
In the elderly :
- it renews the state of health and brings the body to equilibrium, combats the degenerative process and rejuvenates the body (240 eggs).
- revives memory and protects nerve cells (120 eggs)
- improves sexual potence (120 eggs)
- reinforces organs weakened by physical work or stress (240 eggs)
- fortify the body (240 eggs)
Quail eggs are strongly recom-mended for the elderly for its regenerative effects. It can calm down and cure many diseases attributed to old age, deficiency or excess nutrients in the body.

Treatment of heart diseases :
- Improves the functioning of the heart in the case of coronary sclerosis (240 eggs)
Treatment of allergies :
- Asthma 240 eggs
- Skin rash 120 eggs
- Eczema conjontivities 120 eggs
- Allergic rhinitis (240 eggs)

Treatment of gastro intestinal tract disorders :
- Gastric ulcers 240eggs
- Poor digestion 120 eggs
- Excess secretions of stomach acids (120eggs)

Treatment of liver diseases :
(240 œufs)
Treatment of renal diseases :
(240 œufs)
Treatment of circulatory diseases :
- anaemia (240 eggs)
- arterial hypertension 240 eggs

Treatment of metabolic diseases :
- gouts (240 eggs)
- obesity (240 eggs)
- diabetes (240 eggs)
Treatment of nervous diseases :
- neurasthenics (240 eggs)
- nervous state (240 eggs)

Pregnancy and breast feeding :
The consumption of quail eggs fortifies the woman’s body during pre and post natal periods as well as after surgery and radiotherapy (240 eggs). It also has beneficial effects on the foetus (physical and mental balance) and for the mother after delivery (physical rehabilitation and rejuvenation of cells). Quail eggs also improve the quality of breast milk. In the same light the consumption of quail eggs by HIV AIDS patients improves CD4 (240).

courtesy - Orhan,F etal (2002)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Onam Sadhya-Nutritional Aspects

Onam, celebrated in the month of Chingam is the most important festival celebrated by the people of Kerala.Onam sadhya (Food that served in plantain leaves),  is special ,which consist of more than 8 dishes including payasam.Want to know more about onam-nutrition?

All the dishes are served with rice.Brown rice is better than white rice because it contain enough B-comlex vitamins and fiber where as white rice is polished .
1.Aviyal: Aviyal is a vegetable curry made from all sorts of authentic vegetables available in the season.In some parts of kerala,curd is added.It gives enough vitamins and minerals,fiber including protein(from curd).

2.Sambar: Any South Indian Celebration is incomplete without a Sambar especially an Onam Feast. . Sambar is prepared in different ways using authentic vegetables, dal and coconut. So it gives enough protein from dals,minerals,vitamins and MCT(medium chain triglycerides) from coconut and fibers.
3.Kootu Curry: Kootu Curry is another Onam Food prepared using different types of Vegetables. Pumpkins and Carrots(rich in beta carotein) can be used to sweeten the curry.  Sugar or jaggery can be used as  sweetening agents.Jaggery is a good source of iron,so prefer that. Also, one can use Pineapple to add a distinct flavor to the Kootu Curry.So it gives all vitamins ,minerals,fiber especially iron.

4.Erisshery : Erisshery is a popular Onam dish prepared from Pumpkin and Beans. Erisshery also  prepared using Raw Bananas instead of Pumpkin.Beans is a good plant protein .

5.Parippu Curry:This can be made using Moong Dal or Tuvar Dal. In some regions of Kerala, coconut milk or coconut paste is used for flavoring the curry. Parippu Curry is supported by Ghee.It provide enough protein.

6.Lady Finger Khichdi: Though Cucumber Khichdi and Beetroot Khichdi are more popular but Lady's Finger Khichdi is one unique dish amongst all the Onam Dishes.Mucous in ladies finger is fiber and it provide vitamins and minerals also.

7.Morru Curry: Morru Curry is one of the very popular Onam Dishes made using curd with banana,pineapple,raw banan or ripe mango as option.It is good for digestion.It gives protein,vitamins and minerals .
8.Semiya Payasam: Semiya Payasam is a traditional South Indian Recipe that suggests the use of minimal ingredients.Semiya (like noodles) is cooked with milk and sugar .Dry fruits are added to taste .It is an excellent dessert which gives enough calory, protein,fat etc.It is mostly liked by the kids and nutritious also.
  Payasam can be made with wheat,rava,or Dal which again improve the protein intake.Pappads are made with bengal gram powder which gives protein also,so better go for this than other type of potato chips which do not contain enough protein ,but high carb.
 Pickles are made with raw mango(rich in vitamin -c),gooseberry(rich in vitamin -c) and ginger.Ginger is  good for digestion and it also help to reduce the effect of uric acid in high protein food.

image courtesy-nita anil
Popular onam foods.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

PROTEINS-the building blocks of our body

Proteins are considered as the building blocks of our body.It came from greek word 'proteos' which means 'to stand at the first place'One gram of protein gives 4kilocalories.It is essential for the growth and repair of every cell from tip to toes.
According to Lakshmanan(2009) India is a protein -starved country.The per capita intake of protein is below 10 grams a day as against a recommended intake of 50 grams.Protein is very essential during the phase of growth,especially in the first 18 months.Human beings at birth have only 70% of their brain developed.If we are not giving enough protein in the initial period,it results in irreversable  changes in the brain,which we cannot correct in the later years. .Studies shows that multiplication of cells in the body and brain continues till the age of seven or eight.If special attention is not given to the developement  of the body and brain during this formative stage,the child will not blossom out to its full genetic potential and its performance will be substandard during adult life.The single majour factor involved in this process is nutrition.unfortunatelly ,the awareness and means to provide proper quality nutrition for qrowing children are lacking among the masses.

                        In the case of adults, micronutrient deficiencies are most prevalent among low income group as well as high income group.The majour micronutrient deficiencies  in India are vitamin A deficiency,Zinc deficiency ,iodine deficiency B-vitamin deficiencies like ariboflavinosis,beriberi,
pellagra and iron and folic acid deficiencies.In south india,even if we have a good educational background,there are many food fads and fallacies,like hot food and cold food.We are following it from generation to generation and it is another cause of nutritional defeciencies,especially among children and women.The concept of giving food to male members of the family first  is another issue which results in nutritional deficiencies among women,who actually need more.So we have to remove all such blocks and our mind and body should grow. 
                               "Eat Healthy
                                Feel Better
                                Live long"